Enough is enough
I wanted to write this monthly feature on the first day of the month so that you could start the month with some inspiring words, and although I always have something to say I didn’t feel that I had found what I was supposed to say.
Today, however I feel I have a message for all of us this month. We were in prayer on Friday this week and a Pastor spoke about the following. Sometimes in life we get into certain situations where there is someone who will just annoy us so much that we have to move or take action to get away from them or the circumstance. In fact if they were not there to annoy us perhaps we wouldn’t take any action about the situation that we are in. So although this person was so annoying the end result was that it forces us to act. He actually declared that he wanted “irritators” to come into our life so that we would be forced to act.
I am also reminded of the story of the dog that was whining and whining because it was sitting on a sharp instrument, a nail I think. Why wouldn’t he just get up and move you ask? Well the answer is he will move when there is enough pain. At the moment the pain is bearable enough for the dog to just sit and whine.
Are you in pain but only enough to whine? Or do you need someone, something to so irritate you that you will do something different.
We all find the will to act when we are faced with dire consequences, when there is no way out or when there is too much pain. We all have a limit where we say enough is enough and in that moment of decision lives are transformed. There is a time to say that’s it I won’t take any more of this.
This month I want to encourage you not to sit in pain or wait until something has to be sent to annoy you so much that you have to move. You can say enough is enough and take some decisions to transform the rest of the year. You know what I am talking about. DO IT NOW.
As I close please find tips from my book 67 Tips for Success. I will share a few each month.
• Put God first, family second and business third. Getting these priorities right is a pre-requisite for success.
• Create your own personal code of conduct. Live by it and let it dictate how you behave even when under pressure.
• Set goals regularly. The more proficient you become at setting and achieving goals, the bigger they get and the more success you achieve.
• Become passionate about time. Understanding the preciousness of time is crucial for success. You spend time only once spend it wisely.
Until next month I wish you all blessings without number and good things without end.